Cinnamon Swirl 85g

Product specifications

Product code: 1506.0585

Fat: Danish margarine

Convenience: RTB

Weight: 85 g

Number per box: 48 (4x12)

Weight per box: 4,080 kg

Number per pallet: 96

Freezer to oven

Bake temperature: 190°C

Bake time: 17-20 min

    Delicious pastry made according to a traditional Danish recipe. The dough consisting of 24 layers, made with the best wheat flour and real Danish margarine, ensures the crispy and airy structure of this product. The cinnamon filling provides an authentic and refined taste. Cinnamon is a very popular flavour, especially in the Netherlands, the UK and the US.
    You can finish the product with a glaze of white sugar to make them sparkle.